Third chess puzzle remade in PuzzleScript. This was a lot different than the previous ones due to the new movement rule.

Also thought I could share it for the new Thinky Puzzle game jam. I couldn't really follow the (of course optional) theme here because I couldn't think of a good theme interpretation yet.

If you want a chess moveset refresher, check out this video :

Source code :

Controls :

- Arrow keys to move
- X to move a piece
- Z to undo, R to restart

Based of the Exchange the Kings puzzle. A short video about it is included below, although I actually used the main video as a reference instead because I saw it first. (does contain spoilers about the solution)


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It's such good news that the two kingdoms finally settled their differences.

By the way the video said that there are apparently more than one solution. Only one I got so far was what I believe was the shortest solution (22 moves).